AM Government launches program with free CNH for more than 300 thousand people with low income

November 18, 2021


Victória Sales – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The “Citizen Detran” program, launched by the Amazonas State Government on Wednesday, 17, should reach more than 300 thousand low-income people by 2023. The project’s main goal is to benefit the population with the free issue of the National Driver’s License (CNH). Moreover, the governor of the state, Wilson Lima (PSC), highlighted that, by the project, motorcycle taxi drivers and motorcycle couriers will have an exemption in the fee for courses in the agency.

Wilson also explained that, by means of the project, mototaxi drivers and motorcycle couriers will benefit from the delivery of 40 thousand helmets, vests and traffic law courses in schools. “We are launching a program that is very important, especially after this pandemic process, in which we need to generate jobs and income, which is the social CNH. We are going to deliver more than 20,000 CNHs to the people who need them the most”, he said.

The governor also explained that, at the moment, it is important to prioritize this generation of employment and income. “The state has all kinds of demands and we need to prioritize what is important, what is essential, is the generation of employment and income, is putting food on the table for those who need it most, and there is nothing more important in our lives than work”, he said.

“The only thing we need here is opportunity, because the rest we know how to do very well. I have traveled around the countryside and what I see most is that people want to have an opportunity. And what we are doing is giving opportunity to one more category, to one more group”, said the governor.

The president of the Motorcycle Taxi Drivers Union, Rodinei Ramos, thanked the state government for the opportunity. “We, from the union, have only to thank, especially in the situation of organization with vests and helmets, where the winner with this is the society that will really have a difference from the people who today only make a tip with those who work in the mototaxi profession”, he celebrated.

The governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, during the launch of the “Detran Cidadão” program (Diego Peres/Secom)

Detran Cidadão (Citizen Detran)

The program includes the projects “CNH Social”, “Motociclista Legal” and “CNH na Escola”, coordinated by the Amazonas State Traffic Department (Detran-AM). Besides Manaus, the program starts this Wednesday, 17, in the municipalities of Coaria and Tefé. In all, 20 thousand vacancies will be offered for the CNH Social, to issue the first driver’s license or to change category. The cost to get the first license, outside of the state government project, is R$ 1,200.

With the “Motociclista Legal” program, 265,000 people will benefit by 2023. Furthermore, the project provides fee exemption for specialization courses and the distribution of helmets and vests for motorcycle taxi drivers and motorcycle couriers. With this, the workers will save approximately R$ 630.

Detran Cidadão will add a project from the Escola Pública de Trânsito (Eptran) (Public Traffic School) with the “CNH na Escola” (CNH in School), in which high school students from the state public school network will be trained with a theoretical traffic law course, and a R$300 saving in the process of obtaining their first CNH.


Among the criteria for the CNH Social project are: people over 18 years old who want to get their first driver’s license or change category, people enrolled in the Unified Registry (CadÚnico), with a monthly family income of up to half a minimum wage and a monthly family income of up to two minimum wages. Income from programs such as Bolsa Família, Pró-Jovem, and Emergency Aid (Federal, State, and Municipal) will not be considered valid.

For the Legal Motorcyclist project, all people who earn up to two minimum wages and who are qualified to ride a motorcycle, with at least two years of CNH, and who are at least 21 years old, will be considered. Helmets will be distributed to all motorcyclists who have a valid motorcycle taxi driver or motorcycle courier course.


In the city of Coari, enrollments can be made at the Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro State School, with 670 vacancies for the training course and 29 for the refresher course. In Tefé, enrollment will take place at the State School Governador Gilberto Mestrinho, with 700 vacancies for the training course and 30 for the refresher course.