‘Black gold of the Amazon’: Pará leads açaí production in Brazil

A typical açaí producer from Rio Madeira with his son in the Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR) Uacari. (Ricardo Oliveira/ Cenarium)

September 30, 2021


Victória Sales – from Cenarium

MANAUS – Pará is the largest producer of açai in Brazil, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), released in the last day 22, by the Municipal Agricultural Survey 2020 (PAM 2020). Of all the açai plantation area in the country, about 96% is located in the state, and in 2020, there were more than 1.5 million tons of the fruit produced.

In an exclusive interview to CENARIUM, nutritionist Anny Melo highlighted the benefits of the fruit for Brazilians. “It has important nutrients such as B vitamins and amino acids”, she said. The nutritionist also says that açaí is extremely nutritious. “Its main nutrients are vitamin E, minerals such as manganese, magnesium, calcium, and phenolic compounds, making it very antioxidant and anti-inflammatory”, she said.

Register shows an açaí bunch. (Ricardo Oliveira/ Cenarium)

The professional also reports that the açaí has the power to reduce cholesterol. “Acai has anthocyanin, which gives acai its purple coloration and helps lower bad cholesterol. In addition to this, acai can speed up the metabolism and help keep the digestive system clean. For those who consume it with this purpose, should avoid adding guaraná syrup in its pulp or condensed milk and even table sugar”, she said.

Melo also told that it is an aphrodisiac. “Acai is related to the elevation of blood in the body, which can contribute to the increase in sexual desire of the individual”, she said. She says that people who want to include the fruit in their diet must consult a nutrition professional, because each body has its own particularities.


Also according to the Department of Rural Production of Pará, the states that occupy the ranking are: Pará with 1,320,150 tons produced, Amazonas with 67,757, Roraima with 4,153, Rondônia with 2,242, Bahia with 2,188, Tocantins with 839, Maranhão with 751, Espírito Santo with 190 and Alagoas with 58. The three cities in Pará that lead the ranking are: Igarapé-Miri with 400 tons, Cametá with 159,450, Abaetetuba with 111,200.

Ranking of the States that most produce Açaí. Source: IBGE/PAM 2020 (Reference year 2019)/Elaboration SEDAP-NUPLAN-ESTATÍSTICA

Salty Açaí

Research released in August 2021, by the Intersindical Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese/PA), shows that the price of the liter of açaí sold in Belém had an increase of more than 28% in 2021, between January and May. The 30% increase in the price of açaí has been harming the diet of people from the state of Pará.

According to the economist Origenes Martins, the açaí is a typical example of small and medium farmers’ agriculture, with regional products that have all the potential to leverage the region’s economy. “In relation to the people of Pará, the açaí is not only the main food, but one of the main sources of income”, he highlighted.


Also according to the survey, the price of the products has been varying in several places. Identified by Dieese-PA, at the end of May, the liter of the product was found with values between R$ 16 and R$ 22 in fairs and in supermarkets with an average value of R$ 24. The thick açaí, as it is known, which is nothing more than the pulp extracted with the addition of water, is found in supermarkets with an average of R$ 34.

The survey also shows that the liter of açaí sold in December 2020, in the thick classification, cost about R$ 27, already in January 2021, the product began to be charged at R$ 32.40, in April, was sold for R$ 32.69 and, in July, with a price of R$ 32.81.