International movement presses for Bolsonaro’s impeachment and seeks union between Lula and FHC

Former Presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula (Ricardo Stuckert/Instituto Lula)

September 9, 2021


Bruno Pacheco – from Cenarium

MANAUS – The political council of the movement Rights Now (´Direitos já´ in portuguese) – Forum for Democracy announced on Wednesday, 8, that is in favor of the impeachment of President Jair Bolsonaro (no party), after the anti-democratic demonstrations promoted by him on September 7, Brazil’s Independence Day. In a meeting on Tuesday night, 7, which included political personalities from parties such as the PT and PSDB, the group decided that it will make an international protest and an act to unite former presidents Lula and Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

According to the columnist Vera Magalhães, from O Globo newspaper, a calendar was defined to occupy the whole month of September with actions in favor of Bolsonaro’s removal from office. On the agenda is an international act that will include politicians and intellectuals against Bolsonaro, a new request for impeachment and a request for an audience to pressure the president of the House, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).

The meeting was attended by the president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, the former senator and former presidential candidate Marina Silva (Rede), the vice president of the Covid CPI, Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede), Senator José Aníbal (PSDB), the former governor of Rio Grande do Sul Tarso Genro (PT), and representatives of the DEM, PSB, PSL, PV, and Citizenship, among others.

Demonstrators hold a banner calling for Bolsonaro’s exit from the presidency during a protest, in downtown Rio de Janeiro (Pliar Olivares/Reuters)

Blunt response

In a public note, the movement says that the Bolsonarist version for September 7, 2021 requires a strong response from the Brazilian democratic forces and that there is no longer any way to justify any kind of tolerance to the coup project of the president.

Rights Now states that it is necessary that any support for the antidemocratic act be withdrawn, as explicit threats to another power are unacceptable, as is the use of public resources to foment attacks on democracy, the electronic voting system, and for electoral promotion.

“Continuing in its efforts to broadly unite against the authoritarian escalation of Bolsonarism, the Rights Now! Forum for Democracy takes a stand in defense of the STF, the Superior Electoral Court, calls on Brazilian society to vocalize a resounding no to these tyrannical claims and assumes a position in defense of the impeachment of Bolsonaro”, says an excerpt from the note.

Fernando Henrique Cardoso greets Lula during the meeting (Ricardo Stuckert/Reproduction)


For Rights Now, those who do not position themselves in favor of democracy and Brazilian institutions will be making a historic choice for arbitrariness and will add to the illegal attitude of Bolsonaro, who promises to disregard decisions of the Supreme Court. “Once the Constitution is torn up in this way, what will be left? And on whose side will be the political, social, and economic forces that have been silent in the face of repeated attacks and threats promoted by the extreme right in Brazil?”, the group questions.

Also according to the note, the urgency should be to confront the pandemic, hunger, unemployment, inequality, as well as the rampant inflation, the water and energy crisis, a reflection of the country’s environmental policy. “The challenges for the reconstruction of Brazil are enormous, and the president does not present the minimum conditions to lead these efforts. The Brazilian society cries out for independence, democracy, autonomy, social justice, and peace. May the institutions fulfill their role in an exemplary manner and may this September 7th be forever the symbol of a turning point, of the beginning of the overcoming of this senseless and despotic project”, reinforces the movement’s note.

International relations

In the analysis of the lawyer, sociologist, and political scientist Carlos Santiago, an eventual approximation of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula, within the current Brazilian political context, may offer a way out of the conditions currently experienced by Brazil: the international isolation and, internally, with a serious institutional crisis.

The coming together of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula, within the current political context, may offer a way out of the conditions of Brazil today: isolated internationally and, internally, with a serious institutional crisis”.
Carlos Santiago, lawyer, sociologist and political scientist

“The union of political forces to ward off and even defeat at the ballot box the movements and personalities that do not respect democratic values and the Democratic State of Law is important. This political union with diverse ideological values has already happened, in the movement for the re-democratization of Brazil, in the 1980’s”, Santiago highlights.

For the specialist, the moment is not for divergences, but for convergences. According to Carlos Santiago, former presidents Lula and Cardoso do not have the same social origin, but they are democrats, which should favor the bond between them. The sociologist also reinforces that the events scheduled for September in favor of respect for State institutions are ways for Brazilians to get to know the positions of the country’s political leaderships.

“The events scheduled for the maintenance of democracy and respect for State institutions are ways for Brazilians to get to know the positions of the political leaderships of the country. The international outline of the September events of the oppositions is due to the importance of Brazil in the region and in the world. Any breakdown in the political system will have an impact on international relations”, he concludes.