Manaus’ Covid Kit at the International Court: former Justice Minister points out ‘crime against humanity’

Former Minister of Health Eduardo Pazuello, former Minister of Justice Miguel Reale Júnior and the mayor of Manaus, David Almeida (Art: Guilherme Oliveira/CENARIUM)

September 18, 2021


Cassandra Castro and Marcela Leiros – from Cenarium

BRASILIA AND MANAUS – The former Minister of Justice and world-renowned jurist Miguel Reale Júnior defends that the scientific experiments applied in Manaus with the “Covid Kit” should be taken to trial in the International Court of Justice and pointed out “crime against humanity”.

The “kit” – consisting of drugs without scientific proof for Covid – had the application started in January, in the management of former minister Eduardo Pazuello, with the support of the mayor of Manaus, David Almeida (Avante), an ally of President Jair Bolsonaro. The Manaus City Hall was sought by CENARIUM to comment on the matter, but did not respond.

Reale Júnior led a group of jurists that sent to the CPI of Covid an opinion with more than 200 pages attributing to President Jair Bolsonaro seven crimes. In the document they cite crimes against public health, such as charlatanism and infraction of sanitary and epidemic measures; against public administration, in this case, prevarication; incitement to crime for actions against public peace; and against humanity, as well as a crime of responsibility.

“Manaus was a pseudoscientific experiment (…) This is a crime against humanity because it was carried out at the tragic moment of the dizzying growth of contamination, of the spread of the virus, of crowded hospitals, of ICUs unable to receive anyone else, with a lack of oxygen”, the lawyer pointed out.

And he continues: “In the middle of this whole tragedy, you are going to experiment with the TrateCov application as a way to administer chloroquine, which in January of this year, chloroquine was definitely eliminated from any scientific recognition, of any effect other than collateral, cardiologic, and vision negative effects”.

In the report to the Covid’s CPI, the former Minister of Justice pointed out the launch of the application Tratecov, made in the Amazon capital in January this year. The tool, as concluded by the Federal Audit Court (TCU), automatically prescribed the so-called early treatment – or “Covid Kit”, formed by hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and vitamins – and was planned to work so as to identify association of any of the symptoms as “Probable diagnosis of Covid-19”.

Senate supports

The jurists’ conclusive report on the CPI had the support of senators, among them, Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede/AP), vice-president of the commission. On Thursday 17th, Senator Randolfe Rodrigues said, during a session of the Covid’s CPI, that those responsible will be taken to the International Criminal Court. He based his statement on Miguel Reale Júnior’s dossier.

“And from the cold analysis of the facts that occurred in this parliamentary commission of inquiry, until then of senator Omar, we imagined that the only aspect of crime against humanity that had occurred was what had happened in your city of Manaus, this is already characterized, this one will even take those responsible to the International Criminal Court, said not by us of this CPI, said yesterday [on Wednesday, 15] by doctor Miguel Reale and his team”, detailed Rodrigues.

The International Court of Justice is the main judicial body of the United Nations (UN), with headquarters in The Hague, in the Netherlands, and analyzes judicial actions involving large-scale crimes, including cases of genocide.

Senator Randolfe Rodrigues alleges that in Manaus there was a crime against humanity in the conduct of the Covid-19 pandemic (Reproduction/ TV Senado)

The allegation of the vice president of the CPI was made within the session that would receive the CEO of the health operator Prevent Senior – a health operator that would have concealed deaths of patients who participated in a study to test the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 – Pedro Benedito Batista Júnior. The businessman, however, did not appear. The drug, which has no proven effectiveness against the disease, is one of those prescribed in the “Covid Kit”.

Read also: Prevent Senior concealed deaths in chloroquine study supported by Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro’s consent

The prescription of drugs without proven effectiveness had Bolsonaro’s consent. In the interview to O Antagonista, he recalled that during a live broadcast on January 17, the President of the Republic said he already knew about the collapse of the city’s health system and had referred Pazuello to take action. These, as the jurist pointed out, would be to distribute “chloroquine to the entire population”.

These were some of the actions mentioned by Miguel Reale Júnior that support the dossier presented to the CPI.

“There are elements that authorize the conclusion that the deliberate acts and omissions of the Presidency of the Republic, directly or through its organs, especially the Minister of Health and his subordinate, Mayra Pinheiro, translate the existence of the contextual elements of crimes against humanity foreseen in Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, consisting in the infliction of inhumane acts, of extreme gravity, which caused, and continue to cause, great suffering, death, serious bodily injury, serious harm to the physical and mental health of patients, and material and psychological damage to families and health professionals”, says the document.

In addition to Bolsonaro, Pazuello, and Pinheiro, the report also cites as responsible for the crimes the former government leader in the House Ricardo Barros, oncologist and immunologist Nise Yamaguchi, federal lawmaker Osmar Terra (MDB-RS), and others who make up the “shadow ministry”, as the document refers to the parallel cabinet.

Read also: Pandemic CPI breaks the secrecy of Pazuello, Ernesto and members of the ‘parallel cabinet’ of Bolsonaro
The Amazon as a guinea pig

The use of unproven drugs against Covid and its lethal effects to the population were the subject of the cover of the CENARIUM MAGAZINE, printed version of August, with the headline “They made Amazon a guinea pig”, referring to Eduardo Pazuello and the mayor of Manaus, David Almeida.

Cover of the August edition of Cenarium Magazine (Reproduction/CENARIUM)

The thesis is based on analysis by researchers at the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation of São Paulo (Fiocruz/SP) and testimonials from technicians at the Ministry of Health and other government agencies to the CPI of Covid, among them, the president of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), Antonio Barros Torres. Torres confirmed that the Planalto Palace has shown interest in changing the chloroquine package insert to make it “suitable” for Covid treatment.

For the president of the CPI, Senator Omar Aziz (PSD/AM), the use of ineffective drugs to combat the coronavirus may have contributed to deaths, according to an exclusive interview granted to CENARIUM by the senator on July 30 this year. “Manaus was used as a guinea pig, an experiment that scientifically was already proven to have no result and they insisted on it”, Aziz concluded.