Polemics and low productivity put the performance of the speaker of the Manaus City Council in check

O presidente da Câmara Municipal de Manaus, Davi Reis (Robervaldo Rocha/ CMM)

August 7, 2021


Carolina Givoni and Priscilla Peixoto – from Cenarium

MANAUS (AM) – Controversial nominations and low productivity ‘overshadow’ the performance of the speaker of the Municipal Council of Manaus (CMM), Davi Reis (Avante). A survey conducted, on Friday, 6, shows that Reis, elected with 5.148 thousand votes, has only four Projects of Law (PLs) proposed during the eight months of management – one of them, revoked by the Attorney General of the Municipality (PGM) – a legislative performance considered little relevant compared to the performance of other colleagues in Power.

One of the most recent examples was the PL 354/2021, which aimed to “rename” the Nestor Nascimento Square, named after one of the main black leaders in the history of Amazonas, located in the neighborhood Praça 14 de Janeiro, South Zone of Manaus, to the name Oscarino Peteleco, a famous Amazon ventriloquist.

The PL was received with criticism by the manauara population, especially by the black community and residents of the area where the square is located. The proposal was seen as an attempt to erase the memory and the importance of the legacy left by the emblematic figure of Nestor.

The bad impression of society and the pressure made by activists and representatives of the black movement in Manaus was so great that, on July 28, the general prosecutor of Manaus, Marco Aurelio Choy, announced the revoking of the measure.

At the time, Davi Reis declared that there was no intention of erasing or tarnishing the memory and honor of Nestor Nascimento and also claimed that the “problem” occurred due to lack of official records about the denomination in the place and that he would present a new proposal making official the denomination of the space entitled Nestor Nascimento.

The councilman and president of the Manaus City Council, Davi Reis (Reproduction/Internet)


Davi Reis was elected, unanimously, as the new president of the CMM and with him a new Board of Directors (MD) was also chosen. Among the Power colleagues on the Executive Board are councilmen Wallace Oliveira (Pros), as first vice president, Diego Afonso (PSL), second vice president; Caio André (PSC), third vice president, and Gloria Carrate (PL), secretary-general.

The performance of Davi Reis’ PLs, Motions (MO), Requests (Req), as well as Indications (Ind) and Resolution Project (PR) are below that of his MD colleagues. Reis holds one MO; 41 Req, four PLs and one Project of Amendment to the Loman (PEL).

Coffee and sugar

Another case involving the name of parliamentarian was the supply of sugar and coffee for the City Council of Manaus. The result of the bidding, published in the Electronic Official Journal of the Municipal Legislature (e-Dolm), on June 23 this year, showed that the CMM pays a price “salty” for 4.200 kg of sugar and 1.900 kg of coffee.

Because of this, the Amazon Committee to Combat Corruption forwarded, on 2 August, a representation to the General Prosecutor of the Amazonas Justice, Alberto Rodrigues do Nascimento Junior, against the speaker to investigate regarding the purchase of products with prices above market value.

One of the requests of the Committee is that the civil investigation against the councilman and president of the CMM, Davi Reis, and others involved and possible beneficiaries for hiring, be accepted. The committee asks for a refund to the public coffers of the amount paid, in case it is proven the practice of value above normal.

The total to be paid so that the CMM is supplied for a year reached R$ 83,400, in the auction won by the company A. S. Oliveira & Cia Ltda. At the time, the councilman declared to a local press vehicle that everything “was within what the law requires” and that it would not have been her who increased the values of the products. “It wasn’t me who raised the price. Unfortunately, for the public power everything is more expensive,” said Davi Reis.

In the Spotlight

There is almost a month, the Public Ministry of the State of Amazonas (MP-AM), after a Civil Inquiry opened, gave a deadline of 90 days for the CMM deploy the electronic system for frequency control of employees.

If the measure is not implemented, the president Davi Reis (Avante) may respond Action for Administrative Improbity. The recommendation, issued by District Attorney Hilton Serra Viana and published in the Official Electronic Journal of MP-AM, last July 8, according to unofficial information, so far has not been answered.

The purpose of the request is for a more effective control of employees and to assist in the damage to financial resources caused by the existence of possible “ghost” servers.