‘Valued and happy people generate more results’, says psychologist and leadership manager

Cintia Lima helps to manage conflicts with more emotional intelligence, techniques and modern leadership tools (Reproduction/Instagram)

October 30, 2021


Priscilla Peixoto – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Focused on developing skills and excellence leaders in corporate environments, the psychologist and master coach in leadership, Cintia Lima, holds on the next day 6, at the International Airport Eduardo Gomes, avenue Santos Dumont, 1.350, Tarumã district, Manaus, the 8th edition of the course entitled “Flight Plan: career leverage”.

For over 20 years working as a specialist in people management and leaders in the labor market, the master coach says that knowing how to lead offers the power to completely and positively change the relationship and productivity of any organization. “It all starts by leading oneself and it is necessary that the manager understands this, because it is the good leadership that will make the achievements and good influences on his subordinates and partners happen and, many times, the person can’t lead more and better because he is not managing to lead himself, so we start from this basis”, explains the professional.

The psychologist says that the start to dedicate herself to the so called “high impact leadership” came when she identified the need to integrate reason and emotion and the positive results that this coherent union could generate in the work environment. “It is an act of integration that is missing in managers and teams, so that even in an uncertain and high-pressure environment”, states Cintia.

Cintia Lima has been working for more than 20 years in people management and the market (Reproduction/ Cintia Lima)

Target Audience

According to the coach, the courses she offers are aimed at professionals who need to develop leadership skills in order to develop successful strategies. In addition, the training is also aimed at those who want to understand the main aspects of people management and learn how to communicate better, or for those who want to boost their professional career.

“As a psychologist, I am very dedicated to the study of human behavior, because I believe that people can be better at their jobs. It is possible to manage conflicts with more emotional intelligence, and understand the most modern leadership techniques and tools to generate extraordinary results in personal and professional life. After all, we spend too much time at work to be unhappy”, emphasizes Cíntia.

Reflexes on the work environment

With the scenario of economic uncertainties and digital transformations driven by the pandemic, there is also an increase in psychological pressure for the working class in any segment. From the professional’s perspective, investing in courses, workshops, and training that promote a new look at work relations is to ensure the fluidity of a healthier and more welcoming space.

“It reflects on the harmony so that we can live together well and have good teamwork. And included in this is the leadership’s look at understanding that happier people are more productive. It’s no wonder that the most popular course at Harvard is positive psychology, because the world has already discovered that valued and happy people generate more results”, he says.

Boss x Leader

The master coach also highlights the difference between leader and boss. According to her, there is a line that separates a good manager from a simple boss. In Cintia Lima’s understanding, one of the main points of concern of a good leadership is the legacy left during the individual’s professional path associated with the positive “marks” left on the other.

“It seems very simple, but in practice it is more difficult, is for the manager to understand that not every boss is a leader, but it would be important for all of them to be. When the professional takes practical awareness of human relations, you pay attention to the following questions: what marks am I leaving on people? what memory? what experience? what memories? do I inspire or generate anguish in the other? and then you can be more fiscal of your own behavior and attitudes”, he concludes.

With limited spaces to preserve the safety of the participants because of the pandemic, registrations for the 8th edition of the event can be made by phone/chat: (092) 98100-4470 or on the social network Instagram @psi.cintialima.