2024 will be a year of opportunities, says orixás oracle

The oracle of the orixás (Art: Mateus Moura/Revista Cenarium Amazônia)

January 5, 2024


Adrisa De Góes – From Cenarium Amazon Magazine

MANAUS (AM) – The year 2024 has arrived and, with it, the expectation of what this new period has to offer, whether in personal or professional life. In the conch game, the oracle of the orixás, the predictions point to a succession of opportunities, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship and investment.

The anticipation of future events comes from the father of saint Ronald de Odé, who also said that the consultation showed promises of financial investments in the country from foreign investors. The Legal Amazon, made up of nine Brazilian states in the North and part of the Center-West and Northeast regions, could be the target of these benefits.

“In general, anything that people or groups want will receive a lot of incentives, especially for entrepreneurship and business. It will be the year of investment. There will also be international interest in investing in Brazil, especially in the Amazon region”, says Father Ronald to CENARIUM AMAZON MAGAZINE.

The father of saint Ronald de Odé (Reproduction/Social Networks)

Although the búzios show opportunities for 2024, the father of saint warns of the bad things that could happen during the year, such as episodes of violence and an increase in addictions. According to the religious man, the orixás Exu, Ogum and Oxóssi, as well as Oxalá, will be significantly represented throughout the year, in different situations.

“Odu is the one who will reign, Odu 7. It’s a year ruled by the brothers Exu, Ogum and Oxóssi, with Oxalá weighing in because of the violence that will echo, sexuality will expand. It’s also the year of addictions, such as gambling, which will increase and cause many people to go bankrupt because of this”, said Ronald de Odé.

Búzios board made by father of saint Ronald de Odé (Reproduction/Personal archive)

Odu 7 is Odi and often appears in games of shells or in people’s regency. This Odu is made up of seven open and nine closed conch shells and represents a specific energy with its own characteristics that can influence life.


The year 2024 will be ruled by the orixás Exu and Obaluaê, divinities from the iorubá pantheon represented by nature. This period will also have the mediation of Oxalá, the father of the orixás, according to the prediction of saint Ronald de Odé.

“The one who will reign is Exu, confirmed in the first fall [of the conch shells], which didn’t confirm it, confirmed that Exu will reign together with Obaluaê, with interference from Oxalá because of the issues of violence, high sexuality, addictions. The earth is running out, so Oxalá is coming to stop this, to beat his staff into the ground”, said the priest.

Exu, also known as Esu, Eshu, Bará, Ibarabo, Akésan, Yangí, Legbá and Ònan, is the orisha of communication, patience, order, discipline and sexuality. Of African origin, the deity is one of the most popular figures in Candomblé and Umbanda.

From left to right, the orixás: Exu, Obaluaê and Oxalá (Reproduction/iQuilibrio)

The most feared orisha among those worshipped in the country is known as Obaluaê, Obaluaiê, Omolu or Omulu, responsible for the earth, fire and death. Because of his power, he is greatly feared by humans.

Finally, Oxalá is the father of all, called the father of men and the creator of humanity. Wise and benevolent towards his children, he leads them along paths of victory and rules the Throne of Faith, i.e. he is associated with all matters involving hope and trust in God.

“It’s the year of edification, charity and kindness. Exu is for opening the way, for prosperity, for a lot of good things that can happen. Obaluaê is the lord of healing, many cures will be found for illnesses. This year that we’re entering is going to be a year of a lot of path opening, work, a lot of good things”, says mother of saint Marcelia Marreiros.


Obaluaê’s mission in 2024, according to Father Ronald, is to move what is stuck from the Earth and thus balance significant climate changes in nature. Such changes must be synonymous with urgent global decisions, says the father.

Just as it was in 2023, with extreme heat, river droughts and climate disasters, the new year should also be accompanied by environmental catastrophes that could change the course of life for the world’s population.

Severe drought in Tefé Lake, Amazonas (Reproduction/Miguel Monteiro)

“Many volcanic eruptions are going to happen. The earth will be shaken by earthquakes. I’ve seen earth opening up, lava rising. I can’t say where it’s going to be, if it’s here, if it’s somewhere else, but the earth moving and a new ecosystem, nature having changes, very severe climate changes”, explains Ronald.


For Thiago de Oxumare, head of Axé Filhos de Oxalá in Portugal, the population will need to seek more peace, balance and let go of what harms them. In this new cycle, Exu brings joy, but he also brings anger. Obaluaê, on the other hand, brings healing and the construction of a new being.

“With Exu and Omolu ruling, it means that it will be a year of transformations, a year of recovery for humanity after the turbulent years we have experienced. It will be a year of transmutation, a year of achievements unlike those of the past”, he says.

Thiago de Oxumare is responsible for Axé Filhos de Oxalá in Portugal (Reproduction/Personal archive)

To CENARIUM readers, Thiago de Oxumare recommends a bath for 2024. The ingredients should be mixed in water and poured over the body:

White roses, to bring peace and calm;
Coarse salt, to remove the negative energies of the past year;
Cinnamon to attract luck and find inner love.

Read more: In Brasília, Praça dos Orixás welcomes the New Year with a celebration of black resistance

Edited by Marcela Leiros
Reviewed by Gustavo Gilona
Translated by Bruno Sena