Bolsonaro blames Covid CPI for Brazil’s ‘negative’ propaganda abroad

Parliamentary Investigation Commission (CPI) of Covid. (Pedro França/Senate Agency)

October 28, 2021


Victória Sales – from Cenarium

MANAUS – The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (no party), returned to attack the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission (CPI) of Covid, the Federal Senate, during a live broadcast on Facebook, on the morning of Wednesday, 27, in Manaus. According to the federal representative, the Commission gives a “terrible image ” of Brazil for foreign investors.

Bolsonaro also pointed out that many people do not believe in the veracity of the CPI. “Although they do not believe it, it causes damage, not on me, I’m here to get hit too, I’m not worried about my biography, I’m a general who is ahead of the fight, now outside Brazil the image is terrible”, he said.

President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, during a live broadcast. (Reproduction/Internet)

The president also said that, from the image that the Commission is giving, “it seems that Brazil lives in a dictatorship”. “People think that I am arresting journalists, that I am censoring freedom of expression, that I killed people in Covid-19, this influences. People who want to invest in Brazil don’t invest because of this image that they transmit”, he stressed.

“People who are supposed to be tourists in Brazil don’t do it, it harms all of us. This affects the stock market, the price of the dollar, which automatically affects the price of fuel and contributes to inflation. What good has this CPI done for Brazil?”, questions Bolsonaro in a live broadcast.


Last Wednesday, 20, senator and son of the president, Flávio Bolsonaro (Patriot-RJ), was asked by the press about Bolsonaro’s reaction to the report released by the CPI dome, which indicted the federal representative for 10 crimes. Flávio pointed out that his father would have a laugh at the news.

“I think he would receive it like this: do you know that laugh from him? (Laughter) Because there’s nothing to do other than that. It’s a very bad joke, what Senator Renan Calheiros does. That’s why I say it’s an unconstitutional report”, said the senator, imitating his father when he received the news of the indictment.

The final version of the report was voted on Tuesday, 26, with the indictment of the President of the Republic and 78 other people. It is the first time that a parliamentary commission has identified a list of major crimes attributed to a president of the Republic. Among them are: crimes against humanity, extermination, persecution, and other inhumane acts.