Cities that vaccinated the least against Covid-19 are in Pará

Fiocruz survey draws a profile of municipalities (Jader Paes/ Agência Pará)

February 5, 2022


Rômulo D’Castro – from Cenarium Magazine

ALTAMIRA (PA) – In the worrying list of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Pará appears with four among the ten Brazilian municipalities that have vaccinated the least against Covid-19 so far. 

Three of these four cities top the list: São Félix do Xingu, Santana do Araguaia, and Cumaru do Norte. Besides Placas, in ninth position. Check below.


Municipalities that vaccinated the least

*São Félix do Xingu (PA): 15%.

*Santana do Araguaia (PA): 19%.

Cumaru do Norte (PA): 24%.

Vargem Grande (MA): 25%.

Amaturá (AM): 26%.

Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (AM): 27%.

São Cristóvão (SE): 28%.

Matões do Norte (MA) 28%.

*Placas (PA): 29%.

Satubinha (MA): 29%.


The city that vaccinated the least in Pará, and in all of Brazil, was São Félix do Xingu, more than 1,000 kilometers from the capital Belém. According to Fiocruz, the municipality has reached only 15% of immunized people so far. 

In an interview to TV Liberal, the director of Fiocruz, Diego Xavier, attributes the low adhesion in the state to the weakening of the campaign, especially in the federal scenario.

“We have no examples, especially in the federal sphere, of confidence in vaccination. On the contrary, we end up having a movement to discredit the vaccines”, analyzed the director in an interview to Globo’s affiliate.

Distances and false news collaborate to the low adhesion. According to the Health Department of São Félix do Xingu, there are vaccines available, but the population doesn’t show up, even with reinforced campaigns in the city. 

The State, through the Health Department (Sespa), since the beginning of the pandemic, has strengthened campaigns to encourage vaccination, even in more remote places. 

Besides reinforcing the importance of immunization, Sespa has waged a real war against the “fake news” that flood the Internet with all kinds of false news about the vaccine.