First Easter after flexibilization can earn R$ 58 million to the economy of the AM

Manauara consumer should buy 6% more than last year (Promotion)

April 9, 2022


Ívina Garcia – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – In the first Easter after the easing of restrictive measures, marked by the total disobligation of the use of masks and the return of the events, the shelves of eggs and boxes of chocolates filled again in supermarkets and micro-companies have already closed their orders.

A few weeks before Easter, the commerce is already prepared for what is considered the third most lucrative holiday of the year. And in 2022 the gains can be even bigger because, according to the Chamber of Store Manaus (CDL Manaus), the consumer in Manaus should buy 6% more than last year.

The economist, consultant and teacher, Denise Kassama, evaluates the moment as promising. She recalls that in the last two years the scenario in this period was different: “It is worth remembering that in this same period, last year, we were going through a very difficult time with the pandemic, where there was a high level of unemployment and low expectations because the activities were not working. So, we are in a very different scenario than the one we experienced in the last two years”.

The CDL research, where 803 people between 18 and 25 years old were interviewed, indicates that the average purchase is R$ 150.00 and the expectation is that the date will inject R$ 58 million in the commerce of Manauara. The preference for chocolate eggs has decreased, in 2022, in comparison with last year, which represented the preference of 68.9% of the interviewees. In 2022, candy boxes are ahead, with 68.4% of the preference.

With so many options of places to buy, types of chocolate, and prices, the economist warns about the decision, at the time of purchase, and indicates doing research before deciding definitely. “Even so, it is always good to alert that it is important for the consumer to research prices, because at this time of year you can find differences between the same products. We are coming back from an economic recovery process and we have high inflation, so all prudence is important”, he indicates.

Period of gains

“My year starts after Easter”, is what Mayara Leão, founder of Bendoces, created in 2017, says. Like many ventures, it emerged after the need for an extra income. In Mayara’s case, she says that she created the company after the birth of her first child, in 2016. After enrolling in the course “Gourmet Brigadeiro Week”, the entrepreneur tested the recipes in the first “mesversário” of Ben, her son.

She says that the first experience was not very pleasant. “The first test didn’t work, the candy was too hard and broke my brother-in-law’s equipment; it’s funny to tell today, but it was very important to teach me not to give up easily.

Bendoces was created in 2017 (Promotion)

Working as a financial assistant, Mayara kept trying and started selling the sweets during her lunch break at the office where she worked: “It was a success. My co-workers loved it, and when I didn’t take them they complained. From then on the first orders started coming in, and in a few months I realized that my extra money could become my main source of income.

After being laid off in 2017, Mayara started running Bendoces, where she still makes a living today. “I always say that when Ben was born his love awakened in me a gift to sweeten lives. For, I believe that making sweets is an art, a gift”.

Following the CDL’s expectations, Mayara says she has noticed a change in customer demand. “Instead of ordering spoon eggs, some customers are opting to buy boxes of brigadeiros. She says that one of the changes for this year, besides the quality, was in the personality of the product. “This year I had a personalized bag and an Easter card made, so I can offer a complete gift.