Manaus has 17 neighborhoods in high vulnerability to diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti

Seventeen neighborhoods of Manaus show high vulnerability in mosquito-borne diseases (Muhammad Mahdi Karim / Wikimedia Commons)

May 4, 2022


Diovana Rodrigues – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Seventeen neighborhoods of Manaus show high vulnerability in diseases transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, such as dengue, zika and chikungunya. This is what the 1st Infestation Diagnosis 2022 of the Municipal Health Secretariat (Semsa) pointed out, released on Tuesday, 3. To CENARIUM, the infectologist Nelson Barbosa indicated that the data reveal “a worrisome situation.”

“The data reveals a worrisome situation, because we are in the rainy season and any amount of water in a soda cap, beer cap, tire, can in the backyard, in dishes or flowers can be a means for the Aedes aegypti to come proliferate,” he said, who is also a medical assistant at the Tropical Medicine Foundation Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD).

The neighborhoods with high vulnerability are: Petrópolis, Japiim and Betânia, in the South zone; Alvorada, Compensa, Redenção, Dom Pedro, Lírio do Vale, Nova Esperança, Planalto and São Jorge, in the West zone; Cidade Nova and Aleixo, in the North zone; and Jorge Teixeira, São José, Coroado and Armando Mendes, in the East zone. The Predial Infestation index went from 2.5, in November last year, to 2.2%, which shows a medium risk value.

The specialist also evaluates that the data presented are alarming and questions about the ease of disease control. “Now, it is an easily controlled disease. Why? Because if you take care of your garbage and take care of your yard, you don’t have dengue, you keep this disease away. So, what should be done? People have to take responsibility,” he says.

Infectologist Nelson Barbosa reveals that the data show a worrisome situation.
(Personal File).

Medium and low vulnerability

The survey analyzed 26,502 homes, selected by sampling, in the 63 neighborhoods of Manaus, and identified 29 typified as medium vulnerability, they are: Parque 10, Flores, Vila Buriti, Nossa Senhora de Aparecida, Centro, Praça 14, Chapada, Cachoeirinha, Presidente Vargas, Educandos, Colônia Oliveira Machado, Raiz, Aleixo and São Lázaro, in the South zone; Tarumã Açu, Santo Agostinho, Bairro da Paz, Vila da Prata, Santo Antônio, and São Raimundo, in the West Zone; Cidade de Deus, Colônia Terra Nova, and Monte das Oliveiras, in the North Zone -; and Tancredo Neves, Colônia Antônio Aleixo, Zumbi, Mauazinho, Puraquequara, and Gilberto Mestrinho, in the East Zone.

The home visits by endemic disease control agents and community health agents had as main objectives the identification and collection of immature forms (larvae) of the mosquito, in addition to the elimination and treatment of possible breeding sites of the transmitting agent.

Those with low vulnerability are: Industrial District 1, Morro da Liberdade, Adrianópolis, Nossa Senhora das Graças, São Francisco, Crespo, Santa Luzia and São Geraldo, in the South Zone; Glória, Tarumã and Ponta Negra, in the West Zone; Colônia Santo Antônio, Novo Israel, Nova Cidade, Santa Etelvina and Lago Azul, in the North Zone; Industrial District 2, in the East Zone.

The report also showed that the most common recipients for the proliferation of the mosquito are: type D2, such as garbage, bottles, cans and junkyards (with 37.5%); type A2 for storing water for consumption at ground level, such as drums, barrels or casks, barrels and vats (with 25.9%); type B, known as mobile, represent the vases, jars with water, dishes and drinking fountains (with 23.1%).

Check below the number of cases of the disease in a comparison from January to March 2022 with the same period last year:

Table of cases of diseases caused by the mosquito.
Distribution: Thiago Alencar/ CENARIUM

Prevention against Aedes aegypti

Nelson Barbosa also remembered that prevention is the best way to fight the disease and pointed out what actions should be taken to avoid the proliferation of Aedes aegypti.

“It is a disease that you can control as long as everyone in the community acts correctly, disposing of their garbage, putting bottles upside down, removing those lids, cans, and tires, because it is in them that water accumulates and proliferates dengue,” concluded the infectious disease specialist.