Maranhão has 905 paralyzed public works, the highest number in the country, according to TCU study

Nine States of the Legal Amazon have paralyzed 2,641 works (Thiago Bergamarco/Release)

November 28, 2022


Marcela Leiros – From AMAZON AGENCY

MANAUS – Maranhão is the state that has the largest number of works funded with public resources that are paralyzed, with 905 ventures in pause in construction, according to a report by the Court of Audit of the Union (TCU). In the whole Legal Amazon region, in the nine States (Amazonas, Acre, Amapá, Pará, Tocantins, Rondônia, Roraima, Maranhão and Mato Grosso) that make up the region, this number reaches 2,641 paralyzed works.

The general panel with data on federal public works shows that 8 thousand (38%), of the 22 thousand works registered throughout the country, are paralyzed. The data were extracted from the databases of Caixa Econômica Federal Bank, Ministry of Education (MEC), National Health Foundation (Funasa), National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit) and Ministry of Health. The federal government invested R$ 22.43 billion in these projects.

After Maranhão, the “champion” in paralyzed works is Pará (671), followed by Amazonas (292), Tocantins (279), Mato Grosso (193), Rondônia (96), Acre (79), Amapá (78), and lastly, Roraima (48).

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Nine states that make up the Amazon have 2,641 paralyzed works (Art: Mateus Moura)

Maranhão, the leader in the ranking of paralyzed works, has among the causes for the non-completion of the works: the quality of the project, discretion of the public manager, financial difficulty of the executing company, unfeasible prices proposed by the executing company, technical difficulty of the contractor, terminated contract, irregularities in previous management and abandonment of the company.

General ranking

In the TCU diagnosis conducted in April 2018, there were 38,412 works in total and 14,403 paralyzed, a percentage of 37.5%. In 2020, there were already 27,126 in total and 7,862 (29%) paralyzed.

In the general framework of the States, followed by Maranhão, Bahia is in second place in the ranking, with 807 paralyzed works, and Pará is in third position (671). At the “bottom” of the list is the Federal District, with 24 paralyzed works.

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Ranking of states with the greatest number of paralyzed works (Art: Mateus Moura)

Stalled areas

The TCU panel also classified which areas the paralyzed works belong to, indicating that “Education,” with 3,993, is the area with the highest number of suspended construction projects. Then there are 1,966 unspecified works, indicated by the TCU as “blank”. “Infrastructure and Urban Mobility” are 569. Last is “Civil Defense”, with 25.

Education stands out among the areas most impacted by unfinished works (Art: Mateus Moura)

According to the TCU, poor planning is the main factor in the paralysis of works for both low- and high-value projects. “Poor planning is the result of poor basic design, lack of counterparty and lack of technical capacity to implement the project”, the agency said.