MP files charges of irregularities in hiring for hospital in the Amazon during collapse in Health

The Nilton Lins hospital has already functioned as a Campaign Hospital during the first peak of the disease in Amazonas (Caio de Biasi/MS)

November 10, 2021


from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Amazonas (MP-AM) filed, by considering resolved, two Administrative Procedures (PA) that had as object to monitor measures adopted by the State Department of Health (SES-AM), at the height of the New Coronavirus pandemic, during the management of former secretary Marcellus Campêlo.

The PA No. 09.202100000092-3 was opened by the 54th Prosecutor’s Office Specialized in the Defense of Human Rights to Public Health to monitor and supervise the measures taken by the State of Amazonas to make necessary adjustments to the operation of the Nilton Lins Campaign Hospital, which was reopened in February 2021, “requisitioned” for use by the state, as provided by the Constitution in cases of emergency. The recommendations of DVISA Manaus and the state and federal MPs were all attended by the department.

As for the PA 09.2020.00000222-8 was opened to monitor the measures adopted by the government in order to ensure human resources in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of the health units of the state network in the capital, in view of the exponential increase in demand due to the peak of the pandemic. The SES presented the data, considered satisfactory, on the admissions of health professionals made by means of a selection process and by contracting services.

“I verify that the desideratum of the present Administrative Procedure is fulfilled, and there are no major reasons for its continuation”, is what the prosecutor Claudia Raposo Câmara reports, in the act of archiving the AP on hiring.

For the former secretary Marcellus Campêlo, the filings demonstrate the SES’s commitment to follow all legal procedures and act in line with the external control organs, in a transparent way.

“Ahead of the department, I always sought to act in line with the Public Ministry, accounting for all our actions, listening and meeting the recommendations, responding to all inquiries, working within legality. I hope and trust that, like this decision, others will point in this direction”, said Marcellus.

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