Rough time and rain: after interventions, PMAM contest is held this Sunday in Manaus

The tests are the responsibility of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (Photo: Promotion)

February 7, 2022


Malu Dacio – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The amazonian contestant Dayane Silva showed on social networks the hardship he faced to try to realize the great dream of becoming a police officer. She was one of 111 thousand people enrolled who held, on the morning of this Sunday, 6, the test for Middle level position of the public tender of the Military Police of Amazonas (PMAM). In total, there are 1,350 vacancies for Middle and Superior levels.

The first time in more than ten years that the state government promotes selection for professionals in the Public Security body. Dayane remembers that she has been waiting for the opportunity for a long time and that all the challenges she had to face were worth it.

She says that she found the test tranquil. What was not so easy was the journey to get to the exam site. Dayane and her husband, Basílio Oliveira, have been test takers for a year and live close to the school where they would take the exam, but due to the traffic near the educational unit, they had to park their vehicle in a wooded area far from the exam site.

“We almost lost the race. We hit traffic from Avenida das Torres and we had to abandon the car. From home to here is a little more than 10 minutes. We left the car in the middle of the bush and we hitched rides with bikers who were passing by and were also going to do the race. We arrived in the last few minutes”, says Dayane.

The couple had to leave the vehicle in a place far from the school unit (Photo: Personal File)

“The organization of the race was excellent. The rooms were well spaced. The test was very good, the questions were very understandable. The test was very good, the questions were well understood. In my point of view, one or two can be appealed and one had a clerical error. The test was at the level of the soldier position”, explains Dayane.

Basílio Oliveira, Dayane’s husband, says he shares the same dream: “The test has been expected for a long time. It finally took place today and it was a great emotion for the participants to be able to fulfill a dream. The distance, at certain moments, was not respected, due to the amount of people, but I believe that this will not maculate the realization of the exam”, explains Basílio.

He remembers that he saw many candidates wearing masks and there was alcohol gel for people to sanitize themselves. As for the exam, it was very good for those who dedicated some time studying. Now, we have to wait for the results and prepare for the next steps. Be approved!”, he hopes.

The couple faced ‘hardship’, but are optimistic about the test. (Photo: Personal File)

Rain didn’t stop candidates

With only 18 years, the student Maria Clara Ferreira applied for the position of soldier PMAM. She reports that due to rain in the area of the site, the organization opened the gates earlier so that candidates did not face difficulties.

“There was not so much traffic there because the test site was close to my residence and it was raining. So they opened the gates early. But everything was very smooth. There weren’t all the candidates as I expected, at least in my class there was a considerable shortage. About 10 to 15 candidates were missing, and the exam was left on their desk”, explains Maria.

“The test was very simple and it scared me when I took the test and started reading, because the questions were very direct. He would give me something and ask what he wanted from it, and the answers weren’t scary, they were very simple”, she recalls.

And neither was the distance

Natural of Manaquiri, 54km away from Manaus, the municipal guard Ewerton Coelho left his town on Saturday morning, 5, to take the test in the capital. He faced almost three hours to get to Manaus and take the test.

“I found the test difficult, we had to pay close attention to the questions, but I thought the local organization of the test was good. It was well organized”, he said. The guard took the test at the State School Dr. José Milton Bandeira, Monte Sinai neighborhood, north zone of Manaus.

Not everyone managed

The realization, however, was not possible for everyone. Some candidates reported that they could not take the exam because the test location was changed without prior information. Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) has not yet spoken officially about the case.

The Contest

Besides the capital, the tests also occur in the cities of Coari, Eirunepé, Humaitá, Itacoatiara, Parintins, Tabatinga and Tefé. The contest started at 8am, with the gates closing at 7:45am. Also on the afternoon of this Sunday, 6, will be held the tests for higher level.

The commander-general of PMAM, Colonel Vinicius Almeida, accompanied the opening of the gates at the University Nilton Lins, one of the locations of the contest, in the south-center of Manaus. He congratulated and thanked Governor Wilson Lima for holding the public contest.

“This enriches the troop, bringing new air, bringing young people to start their careers within the institution, and this also enhances us, because we can provide a better service to society. I think that the main goal of the contest is this: to put more effective to make an excellent service to the Amazon population”, said the commander-general of PMAM.

Holder of the Secretariat of Public Safety of the Amazon (SSP-AM), General Carlos Alberto Mansur also accompanied the application of the tests at the University Nilton Lins and highlighted the number of applicants.

“Today is a historical day here for the State of Amazonas. We started the exams for the public security agents, a very big effort from our governor, Mr. Wilson Lima, for this historical day to really happen. Today, we have, in the whole state of Amazonas, more than 110 thousand candidates to take the Military Police exam. In the whole state, there are more than 170 test sites”, added the SSP-AM secretary.

The Amazonas Secretary of Public Safety (SSP-AM) reinforced the support for the Public Examination Operation. The Public Competition Operation counts on the integrated action between FGV, PMAM, Amazonas Civilian Police (PC-AM), Amazonas Military Fire Department (CBMAM), Executive Assistant Secretary of Integrated Planning and Management (Seagi), Executive Assistant Secretary of Intelligence (Seai), Executive Assistant Secretary of Operations (Seaop), SSP Internal Affairs, State Secretary of Education and Sports, Amazonas Health Surveillance Foundation – Dra. Rosemary Costa Pinto (FVS-RCP), Municipal Institute of Urban Mobility (IMMU), and Amazonas Energia.