‘Setback’, ‘defeat for Brazil’; manifestations are against the privatization of the Post Office

Os destaques do texto que prevê a privatização dos Correios ainda devem ser analisadas pelo plenário (Reprodução)

August 6, 2021


Bruno Pacheco – from Cenarium

MANAUS (AM) – The approval of the basic text that paves the way for the privatization of the Post Office in Brazil, on Thursday, 5, generated contrary manifestations of experts, activists and opposition politicians, who called the measure a “historic setback” and a “defeat” for the country. According to them, the privatization means an increase in the cost of the postal service and the social exclusion of less geopolitically privileged people.

The Post Office is present in all 5,570 Brazilian municipalities with services such as mail and product delivery, issuing, regularization and alteration of the CPF, issuing of digital certificates, traffic accident insurance (DPVAT) and other services.

The economist Denise Kassama, vice-president of the Federal Council of Economics (Cofecon), points out that, out of 270 countries, including the United States, only eight have privatized post offices.

For her, the Post Office is an example of an efficient state-owned company, which in the last 20 years has accumulated a net profit of R$ 12.4 billion and passed on R$ 9 billion in dividends. “It is important to always remember that the function of the State is to ensure the welfare of its population, through actions necessary for the common good. In this sense, state-owned companies were born with this mission, offering goods and services within everyone’s reach,” Denise stresses.

The economist reinforces that the privatization of the Post Office causes concern, because it will hand over to the private sector a company that has representation in virtually all Brazilian municipalities, acting independently of the economic result.

“Unlike the government, the private company aims to maximize profits. So, it generates concern about the maintenance of the services in small municipalities with low traffic, as in the case of the interior of Amazonas, which besides being small, have difficult logistics and can be economically unattractive. It seems to me that the representatives have forgotten that they should act on behalf of the population”, pointed.

Expensive commodity

The federal congressman from Bahia Jorge Solla (PT-BA) recalls that there is no parcel monopoly in Brazil, but the Correios is the only company that guarantees delivery throughout the national territory at an affordable price. According to him, the profit of the “easy stretch subsidizes the loss with difficult stretch that companies do not want to operate and, with the privatization, this will no longer exist.”

“I am one of the 173 congressmen who voted against the privatization of the Post Office, approved earlier. Now, in the highlights, they want to allow private company to charge much more expensive on orders between distant cities, which will hurt more North and Northeast of the country. A postal blackout,” wrote the congressman, in a post on Twitter.

This impact will be felt twice as much for the population of small cities, according to the secretary general of the Federation of Postal, Telegraph and Similar Workers (Fentect-CUT), José Rivaldo da Silva. For him, the direct consequence will be the increase in the price of services.

“The population of large centers will feel the privatization more in the value of freight, of the delivery of products. The population of small cities will feel it doubly, in the delay of the arrival of mail and also in the increase of prices,” said Silva, speaking to the Central Workers Union (CUT).

Brazil’s National Movement of Landless Workers (MST) has classified privatization as an “attack on national sovereignty.” In a publication on Twitter, the MST also highlighted that the Post Office is the only public institution present in every city in Brazil, guaranteeing shipping and deliveries, banking service and access to the internet. “With privatization, this reality will cease to exist,” it recalled in the publication.

The former federal congresswoman Manuela d’Ávila (PCdoB) also says that the approval of the project is a step back. For her, the Post Office is a historical heritage of Brazil. “Whoever votes for the privatization of a company that guarantees national sovereignty cannot say they are fighting for our country,” she said, in a post on Twitter.


In Amazonas, only Federal Congressmen José Ricardo (PT-AM) and Sidney Leite (PSD-AM) voted “NO” to privatization. Congressmen Bosco Saraiva (Solidarity-AM), Capitão Alberto Neto (Republicans-AM), Silas Câmara (Republicans-AM) and Átila Lins (PP-AM) voted “YES” to the measure. Congressman Pablo (PSL-AM) was absent and Marcelo Ramos (PL-AM) did not vote because he was chairing the session.

In a statement, Congressman Jose Ricardo said that the Project of Law No. 591/21, which provides for the privatization of the Post Office, is harmful to the Brazilian population, because it will generate mass layoffs, closure of agencies, reduction of services, increased prices of services provided.

“Besides, it makes no sense for the Federal Government to give up an extremely profitable company. Last year alone, the Post Office generated more than R$ 1 billion in profit and in 20 years R$ 12 billion were generated, of which 70% were passed on to the Federal Government, contrary to the false idea that it is causing losses to the country. Therefore, it is a very profitable and necessary company for Brazil, for the Amazon, that is why I voted against this proposal”, pointed out the parliamentarian.

See how the representatives from Amazonas voted:

Bosco Saraiva (Solidarity-AM) voted yes
Capt. Alberto Neto (Republicans-AM) voted yes
Delegate Pablo (PSL-AM) absent
José Ricardo (PT-AM) voted no
Marcelo Ramos (PL-AM) presided the session and did not vote
Sidney Leite (PSD-AM) voted no
Silas Câmara (Republican-AM) voted yes
Átila Lins (PP-AM) voted yes